Word of the Day: Hatsumei 発明
21 Feb
Word of the Day: 発明 (noun, suru verb) (An) invention.
Notes: 発明 has a few derived terms: 発明家 (noun: inventor), 発明者 (noun: inventor), and ç™ºæ˜Žå“ (noun: invention).
発 appears in a variety of compounds, including 発表 (noun, suru verb: announcement), 発売 (noun, suru verb: to sell) and ä¸ç™º (noun: misfire).
明 appears as the base of the adjective 明るㄠ(bright). It’s the first character in 明日 and the ã‚ã„ in 説明 (noun, suru verb: explanation) and 明治 (noun: the Meiji Era, 1868-1912).